
How To Change Keyboard Settings Android

Customization is the backbone of the emergence of the Android Bone and once such feature is changing the default or stock keyboard on an Android phone. This change can be made regardless of the phone's brand like Samsung, Google, Huawei, Xiaomi, etc.

How to Change a Keyboard on Android

Virtually of the stock keyboards are adept, but for certain user requirements, a user may demand another keyboard thousand., to utilize the keyboard in another language or input math symbols in an equation, just the required characteristic is not supported by the user's default phone keyboard. The process to change the Android keyboard is generally the same for Android phones but might differ in some cases depending on the make, model, and Android version (Android 12, Android 11, etc.) of the phone.

Types of Android Keyboards

Nearly, every Android telephone or device (like a TV) is equipped with two types of keyboards:

  • Virtual or On-Screen Keyboard: An Android user can input certain characters on his phone without the use of any physical keyboard attached to his telephone. Interacting with a virtual Android keyboard usually occurs through the touchscreen interface only on an Android Television set, a remote may be used to interact with the virtual keyboard.
  • Concrete Keyboard: Whatever USB-based (connected through an OTG connector), Bluetooth, or wireless keyboard fastened to an Android telephone or device will be chosen a physical or external keyboard.

Change Between Concrete and Virtual Keyboard

When a physical keyboard is attached to an Android phone or device, then many of the latest phones will automatically beginning taking the input from the physical keyboard but some users might have to configure the phone to accept the input from the concrete keyboard. To do then:

  1. Launch the Android phone Settings and open up Language & Input. In some telephone models, a user may have to open or aggrandize the System department.
    Open Linguistic communication & Input in the Android Telephone Settings
  2. Now tap on Concrete Keyboard and if required, enable information technology. If the virtual keyboard appears when inputting through the external keyboard, then you lot may disable the virtual keyboard in the telephone's settings or if no such setting is available, so you may utilize any empty virtual keyboard (like a Null keyboard) to non embrace the phone's screen.
    Open up Concrete Keyboard in the Android Phone Settings

Install Some other Virtual Keyboard App

To change a virtual keyboard on an Android phone, a user must have some other virtual keyboard present on his phone. To install another virtual keyboard on an Android phone:

  1. Launch the Google Play Shop and search for Keyboard.
    Search for Keyboard in the Google Play Store
  2. Now download and install a keyboard app of your pick.

Here is a pocket-sized list of some of the famous Android keyboard apps:

  • Gboard
  • Swiftkey
  • Chrooma
  • Fleksy
  • Grammarly Keyboard
  • Simple Keyboard

Once a keyboard app is installed, the app may guide a user to change the keyboard to that app. If and then, then you may follow the instructions on the screen to complete the procedure. If not or you are non comfortable with the app's process, then you may follow the instructions discussed below.

Change the Virtual Android Keyboard

A keyboard changes on an Android phone tin be divided into two phases:

  • Enabling the Keyboard in the Phone's Settings.
  • Switching to the required Keyboard.

Enable the Second Keyboard in the Phone's Settings

Before switching to a virtual keyboard, a user is required to enable that keyboard in the phone's Settings. You can practice the same by following the steps below:

  1. Launch the phone'south Settings and open up System (or General Direction).
    Open System in the Android Phone's Settings
  2. Now tap on Linguistic communication & Input.
    Open up Linguistic communication and Input in Organization Settings of Android
  3. Then open Virtual or On-Screen Keyboard and select Manage Keyboard.
    Open Virtual Keyboard in Language and Input Settings of Android
  4. Now enable the Keyboard you want to utilise (like Gboard) and after, confirm (if you are satisfied with the keyboard reputation and required permissions) to enable the keyboard. Some users may have to select Configure Input Method bill of fare to enable the keyboard.
    Enable the Keyboard in the Manage Keyboard of Android

Keep in mind that a user may simply use reputable keyboards on his phones as non-reputed keyboards may steal your data, financial data (like credit carte details), etc., and tin can exist very harmful. A privacy enthusiastic user may go through the permissions required by the keyboard.

Switch the Android Keyboard

One time a keyboard is enabled in the phone'southward settings, then the keyboard on an Android phone can exist switched past two methods: i from the telephone's Settings and the other from the already in use keyboard.

Switch the Keyboard from the Phone'south Settings

If a user likes the newly downloaded keyboard very much and wants to use it all over his Android phone, then setting the new keyboard as the default keyboard is the best option. To do so:

  1. Steer to the Manage Keyboard department in the phone'south Settings (equally discussed before) and tap on the Default Keyboard selection.
    Open Default Keyboard of the Android Phone
  2. Now select the keyboard you lot want to use and that keyboard volition be at present working as the default keyboard on your phone.

Switch the Keyboard from Within Already Used Keyboard

There are many cases, where a user may crave a particular keyboard in a detail scenario east.thou. when a user may want to send a text in a language not supported by his default keyboard or may want to type in a math equation. In that case, switching the keyboard from within the already used keyboard may do the trick.

  1. Launch an app where a keyboard is required (like a text message or WhatsApp conversation).
  2. One time the virtual keyboard is shown in the app, tap on the keyboard (or globe) icon. In some keyboard apps (like Gboard), a user may accept to long-press the space bar to open the keyboard selection menu.
    Tap on the Keyboard Icon to Open the Keyboard Switcher on Android
  3. Now, in the keyboard carte du jour, select your desired keyboard, and ta-da, y'all are done. Make certain to go through the keyboard permissions (Settings >> Apps & Notifications >> See All >> Apps >> the keyboard app) to check the keyboard permissions. One time the keyboard is no more required, you may switch back the keyboard.
    Change the Android Keyboard in the Keyboard Switcher

If the keyboard switcher is non shown or enabled in the keyboard switching carte, then make sure the Alive Transcribe feature is disabled in the phone's Accessibility Settings and retry the keyboard switcher.

After switching to a new Android keyboard, a user may want to customize the keyboard preferences similar adding a keyboard language. To do so, steer to the Manage Keyboard section of your phone'southward Settings and tap on the Keyboard.

Customize the Android Keyboard

Revert to the Android Telephone's Stock Keyboard

To revert to the phone's stock keyboard, a user may switch the phone's default keyboard back to the phone'southward stock keyboard (by following the procedure discussed above) and uninstall the particular keyboard app.

Photo of Kevin Arrows

Kevin is a dynamic and cocky-motivated data technology professional, with a Thorough noesis of all facets pertaining to network infrastructure design, implementation and administration. Superior tape of delivering simultaneous big-scale mission disquisitional projects on time and under upkeep.

How To Change Keyboard Settings Android,


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